The Sneetches and Other Branding Stories

I have two resources for you today. One is by Paul Chaplin called "Satisfaction Guaranteed." It's about Trump branding and what's good and bad about associating products with ideas.

From The Sneetches and Other Stories by Dr. Suess
The other is by yours truly called "The Maturing of Brands and Sneetches." Here's a lead in:

Eventually the Sneetches become like those who mature and take pride in being social bridge builders. "He had friends from every walk of life” is pronounced at funerals like a badge of honor. Parents of such teenagers question what their crossover kid might be up to, and Pharisees wash their hands of such mixing, but in the end, embracing a range of brands rewards us.

Here’s the thing about these folks. They find ways to push through the thin layers of brands because they recognize brand value where it counts. They love truth and meaningful expression. In their eyes — and here I’m speaking from the occasional personal experience — the Creator becomes more recognizably creative. God becomes bigger as a Brand Manager who delights in the full-range expression of God’s self.

Both come from this week's edition of Catapult Magazine. See the table of contents for other good (or better, depending on your tastes) advertising-related reads.

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