Let's Read: The Gift

I've been out of town for a couple of weeks, hence the unusually long silence here at NB0A.

Invitation: On Monday, June 8, I'll start hosting a weekly book discussion on The Gift: Creativity and the Artist in the Modern World, by Lewis Hyde, over at HighCallingBlogs.com. You can read my discussion invitation here.

If you care to join us, buy the book (preferably) from my esteemed book proprietor friend, Byron Borger, at Hearts and Minds Books. Mention the High Calling Blogs discussion when you order and you'll get a 20% discount.

Why should you join us? Because you're an artist in the traditional sense of painting, poetry and photography, or in the commercial sense of advertising and graphic design. Or not. If not, you should join us because your work - whatever it is - is a creative expression, even if you're "just" an accountant. Second, because your work must be given away, like a gift. Hyde writes, "What is given away feeds again and again, while what is kept feeds only once and leaves us hungry."

The Gift is not a Christian book, per se, in case you're wondering. Nor is it a spoon feeder. But I feel convicted already and can't quite let Hyde's concepts pass without further thought. See you there!


Anonymous,  June 3, 2009 at 11:04 PM  

looks like a good book and quite a few are reading. yeah.

Marcus Goodyear June 4, 2009 at 10:50 AM  

I'm really excited about this one, Sam. Once upon a time, Margaret Atwood herself in the flesh told me to read this book.

And finally I'm going to. : )

New Breed of Advertisers June 4, 2009 at 1:18 PM  

I'm looking forward to it, nAncY.

Marcus, maybe Margaret will join us. Still have any connections? :)

Bradley J Moore June 6, 2009 at 3:32 PM  

Sam - The book sounds great- I will try to pick it up and take a spin, but probably will not be able to time my reading to keep up with your group. Sounds fascinating, though. You will do a great job leading it, too!

New Breed of Advertisers June 6, 2009 at 6:12 PM  

No problem, Brad. Stop over for a comment or two if you get a chance. The book's already like 25 years old, so we're all behind on it.

Laura June 8, 2009 at 11:41 PM  


I'm enjoying the book! As for leading? I make a much better Indian than Chief! You are doing a great job, and I am enjoying looking around your place.

Gifting these words (food I can't eat, especially at this hour:)...


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