Strongbow and the Church: Celebrating pork pie fillers of Melton Mowbray
Strongbow's alcoholic cider commercial made me wonder again why more churches don't have commissioning services and guest Sundays for average workers like they do for missionaries. Let's imagine how a commission might go for a recent advertising major and then I'll show you the ad:
Pastor: "Johnny, tell us a bit about this new position in Chicago. What will you be doing?"
(Johnny shares his job description)
Pastor: "Sounds interesting. When did you first know God was calling you into copywriting?"
(Short story about a favorite professor and Johnny's campus minister)
Pastor: "We're very excited for you and we'd like to pray for you. Lord, thank you for the way you call us into service. We know the ad world has its issues. Will you go before Johnny and prepare his path? Will you equip him with wisdom to know what to do and courage to do it? Please surround him with godly mentors and a healthy community of believers and may his work bring light and truth to our consumeristic society. We pray that he'll return to us with reports that bring honor to you. Help us to stand behind Johnny as he loves you and his fellow neighbor with all his heart, mind, soul and strength. Amen."
I suppose there are churches that do this. Strongbow, the UK's drink for hard workers (men only?), took a shot at it in an ad called "Honours." It takes place in a cathedral and borrows heavily from the trinitarian theme. We could use more of this kind of heralding and celebrating.

That is a great commercial! I love the dartboard in place of the stained glass window.
You know, I could imagine someone seeing this as a kind of sacrilege, as if they are suggesting we substitute Strongbow Cider for communion.
And yet the resonance of this commercial shows where churches are missing the boat. People need recognition. They need to be told that their work matters. And they need some simple rewards--nothing fancy--but something that makes a person say, "Ah. Nice one." Just like the guy at the end.
Great find, Sam.
Interesting ad. I suppose some would be offended? But I like. :)
(Wait a minute, is that what MG just said, more eloquently? :)
The sacrilege does seem to be there. And I'm both offended and inspired by it.
It's like a dare.
Which in and of itself says (as MG says) the church is missing the boat.
Well I'm offended. Just kidding. Great post, Sam!
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